Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (2024)

Whenever I start packing for a trip (usually several hours beforehand), I spend most of my time agonizing over what clothes to bring. It takes me a while to think about where I am going, what the demands are, what the climate is like, and so forth. It’s a bit silly that I can’t seem to do this any faster.

And, usually once I get there, I realize that I forgot something. Most often I can live without it, but sometimes I’ve had to make quick purchases. Oops.

Even though I have my summer capsule wardrobe still in rotation, sometimes our needs during travel are pretty different from our needs at home. I have no problem making exceptions for travel, in case anyone’s wondering. After all, capsules are created for convenience and simplicity, not suffering.

This list is not comprehensive– it’s just a method of thinking about what you’ll need to wear. For example, undergarments are not included; I hope I need not remind you to bring those…

Before I go on to my 10 essential items, I should share about how I went about putting this together. I ask myself 4 questions every time I start packing, and then I go about filling this list.

4 questions to ask when you’re packing:

1) What do the locals wear?

I think this is a better question than “what’s the weather?” Some regions of the world are hot and humid, but few people wear shorts. And if I’m doing anything beyond what the typical tourist does, I’ll want to blend in. Most of the time I would suggest leaving those crop tops at home!

2) What activities will I be involved in?

If you’re familiar with the itinerary, make a list of every activity you might be involved in. Will you be rafting down a river? Attending a religious ceremony? Working on a farm? All of the above?

3) How long can I go beforedoing laundry?

A trip that is more than a week long might require more clothing, but it depends on your access to laundry machines. Bringing enough clothes to wear and soil can mean packing a large suitcase, and you’ll probably want to wear certain pieces more than once. Try bringing lots of pieces that work well together; if one is soiled, you can still wear the rest.

4) What did I wear over and over again last time I traveled?

This question can surprise us. We might have realized the last time we traveled, we wore the same pair of sandals over and over again to the point of a horrible sandal tan (but happy feet). Bring those sandals! They obviously do their job well.

So, once you’ve answered these questions, you can move on to the list. Make it yours; adapt it to your purposes and situations. Figuring out how to pack and what to put in your travel wardrobe can be daunting, but practice makes perfect!

My 10Travel Wardrobe Essentials

1) Comfortable walking shoes

I mean, shoes you can walk forhours in. Travel often has us walking much more than usual, so semi-comfortable flats just won’t do. Find shoes that were made to make your feet feel like heaven and to keep your back from hurting. I shop at Footwear, Etc. for this.

2) Basic wrinkle-free tees

These soft knits are absolutely fantastic. You can find them anywhere– from Target to Nordstrom– and they are great for a variety of occasions. Plus, they’re comfortable! Comfort goes a long way on the road.

3) A watch and minimal jewelry

If you don’t wear a watch normally, you might want to bring one! Being able to tell time quickly (and without having to whip out your expensive smart phone) is a huge bonus.

And, if you choose to wear jewelry, chooseunderstated pieces. No need to draw more attention to yourself!

4) Maxi skirts and maxi dresses

I lived in these when I was working in the Caribbean. They are cooler (and more comfortable) than pants, and they keep everything covered. And, they can be dressed up or down!

5) Cardigans and coverups

I’ve found cardigans to be my most-worn clothes on almost every trip. They’re perfect for layering in cold weather, or using to cover my shoulders when necessary. There’s no need to bring many of them; one or two is fine!

Also, I’ve left “warm outerwear” off of this list because if you’re going somewhere cold, I assume you won’t forget your jacket!

6) Stretchy black leggings

Boy do I love my stretchy leggings! These are versatile and I love them for the plane ride as well. Black is also great for hiding any stains; choose high-quality yoga or workout pants if you want them to last a while without a wash too!

7) A pair (or two) of sunglasses

I wear sunglasses everyday when I drive, but sometimes I forget to bring them with me! Sunglasses are an absolute must when you’re wandering around outside all day. If you own two pairs, bring them both– in case you misplace one.

8) The throw-everything-in bag

You know the bag I’m talking about. The one that will hold your camera, a sandwich, and possibly a sweater too. It’s ideal if this bag is very light on its own, though, since you’ll be carrying it around quite a bit.

9) Comfortable, culture-appropriate shorts

If you’re going to wear shorts on this trip, make sure that they fit you well and are appropriate for where you’re headed. Many cultures around the world just do not wear shorts. I don’t know why, because I love shorts, but I also hate drawing attention to myself as a tourist. So if I’m not sure about the local culture, I’ll only pack one or two pairs– even if the weather is warm.

10) Versatile dressy pieces

Some people choose not to dress up at all on vacation, while others dress up everyday. I’m an advocate for a reasonable via media, and of course it depends on the destination. I don’t like to be caught without anything dressy, however, just in case I’m invited to an event onshort notice. If I feel that my maxi dress won’t cut it, I’ll bring a blouse and skirt just in case.

[Tweet “What to wear while traveling: don’t miss these 10 essentials! via @daisylinshih”]

What are the essentials in your travel wardrobe? Did I miss anything?

  1. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (7)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 16, 2015 at 7:09 pm

    Thanks Andrea! 🙂 I should have included scarves in this list– I use them for all those reasons too!

  2. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (8)

    Andrea Hartmanon July 14, 2015 at 9:23 pm

    What a great list! I have found I love to travel with a scarf (usually lightweight) because it can cover my shoulders if I need a wrap, make me feel accessorized and double as a pillow on the airplane! 🙂

  3. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (9)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 7, 2015 at 2:52 pm

    Ahh thanks girl, that means a lot to me! 🙂

  4. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (10)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 7, 2015 at 2:51 pm

    Thank you Caitlin! That fitbit must come in handy!

  5. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (11)

    Kikion July 6, 2015 at 9:25 am

    First off, that outfit is everything I love about summer! Girly yet modest and will keep you nice and cool but still on trend. Perfection. I’m going in two weeks and I plan on taking mostly sun dresses. Easy to wear, cool, and little to no accessories. (: This list will help out so much!

  6. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (12)

    Caitlinon July 6, 2015 at 8:23 am

    These are great tips! I typically avoid jewelry while traveling except my Fitbit (gotta track those steps!). I love the idea of wrinkle-free t’s because you can mix and match them super easily!
    xo, Caitlin
    And Possibly Dinosaurs

  7. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (13)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 5, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    Thank you Shelley! I love clothing that can transition from one activity to the next– or at least that can be dressed up when necessary!

  8. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (14)

    Shelleyon July 5, 2015 at 5:58 pm

    Great travel tips on what to wear. My go-to is always what is going to work in multiple situations. I can wear it sightseeing and then to dinner if needed. Being comfortable is also key!

  9. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (15)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 3, 2015 at 2:06 pm

    Thank you Jenna! Yes I like to blend in as much as I can instead of standing out as the foreigner. Sometimes it’s inevitable though!

  10. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (16)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 3, 2015 at 2:05 pm

    Ooh Crocs?? I should look into that. I used to like to wear cute (not so comfortable) shoes, but now I’m all about the comfort. I love how these comfort brands are updating their look!

  11. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (17)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 3, 2015 at 2:05 pm

    Sounds so fun!! I love local trips like that. Have a great time 🙂

  12. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (18)

    Jenna Griffinon July 3, 2015 at 6:26 am

    These are really great tips, Daisy!!! I love that you included to ask yourself what the locals wear. I think that’s really important so that you don’t stick out!

  13. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (19)

    Gina Alyseon July 3, 2015 at 6:07 am

    I’m going on a weekend trip to an amusem*nt park in Pennsylvania with friends and family! Definitely low-key but fun!

  14. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (20)

    Anna | slightly astrayon July 3, 2015 at 5:27 am

    For me, I like to have at least: black leggings, a long tee/tank to go over them, a casual day dress, a nicer dress, and cute comfortable walking shoes. I actually LOVE the Crocs Adrina flats. They’re literally the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever had and I think they’re cute, lol. I think it’s important to blend in with the locals too. I love your outfit here!

  15. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (22)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 2, 2015 at 10:26 pm

    Yes!! Cardigans are so great for all those purposes. I forgot about those drafty museums!

  16. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (23)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 2, 2015 at 10:26 pm

    Yes!! I think shorts are very American, and in some countries they’re just too casual for most situations. I LOVE sturdy sandals… I wore my pair all over Japan and pretty much got the worst tan ever. #worthit

  17. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (24)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 2, 2015 at 10:25 pm

    Thanks girl! I always try to “pack light” and end up forgetting vital things!

  18. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (25)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 2, 2015 at 10:25 pm

    I know right?! In Japan I wore one pair of sandals the entire time, even though I brought other shoes. (and now I have a totally embarrassing sandal tan!)
    And thanks!! I’ve collected a few good pieces over the years. 😉

  19. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (26)

    Jo-Anneon July 2, 2015 at 9:06 pm

    South great tips

  20. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (27)

    Jessicaon July 2, 2015 at 6:33 pm

    Question #4 is a super important one that I often forget to ask myself — I love how you’ve phrased it here! Every time I travel even though I pack so much I usually go for one or two things for the majority of the time and I always think ‘oh I could have just brought these and saved so much room.’ It does change country to country, climate to climate though, but putting some thought into the process and having a check list like this will definitely lead to success!

  21. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (28)

    Dani @ The Postcard Journalson July 2, 2015 at 5:41 pm

    Agree that cardigans are a travel must for me! I’m always cold in museums and in many places you have to cover up.

  22. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (29)

    Rachel Gon July 2, 2015 at 4:21 pm

    Question #1 is really important! We’re nearly always traveling in very hot and humid places, it seems–and usually we’re trying to save money by not booking a check-in suitcase. My travel go-tos in this part of the world are capri-length jeans or leggings with cotton tee shirts or tunics, with sturdy sandals. I don’t wear shorts in this part of the world, unless I’m actually swimming, but capris do a pretty good job of being comfortable in the heat!

  23. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (30)

    Adriana Reneeon July 2, 2015 at 2:37 pm

    I’m horrible at packing so I literally take my whole life. Great list!

  24. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (31)

    Brittany Bergmanon July 2, 2015 at 2:04 pm

    I especially love your question “What did I wear over and over again the last time I traveled?” I am a chronic overpacker, though I’m trying to get better about limiting my stuff to a carry-on (something I used to think was impossible!). Also, I just want to shop your closet. You do such a great job of stocking classic, well-made pieces.

  25. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (33)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 2, 2015 at 1:43 pm

    Thank you Julie! Yes– cardigans are the best! They can even function as shirts when all buttoned up.

  26. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (34)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 2, 2015 at 10:31 am

    Yes! planes are always so cold!

  27. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (35)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 2, 2015 at 10:30 am

    Thanks Gina! Glad to hear it 🙂 Where are you going??

  28. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (36)

    Daisy @ Simplicity Relishedon July 2, 2015 at 10:30 am

    Thanks friend! Yes, maxis are so helpful when there’s no time to iron!

  29. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (37)

    Julie @ A Modest Vesselon July 2, 2015 at 9:35 am

    This is a wonderful list! I always bring cardigans too because I tend to get chilly and they can instantly bring variety and put-togetheredness to any outfit!

  30. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (38)

    Amanda @ Rhyme & Ribbonson July 2, 2015 at 5:55 am

    I always bring a scarf too for chilly planes and unexpected cold snaps! x

  31. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (39)

    Gina Alyseon July 2, 2015 at 5:33 am

    I love this!! I am actually packing for a weekend trip tonight! So I loved your questions that you asked yourself before packing. They are so useful!

  32. Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (40)

    Micaon July 2, 2015 at 5:12 am

    Such good tips, and I really agree with your maxi skirt/dress recommendation! I find they are so easy to wear and never look to formal or too casual, always seem just right. Sometimes they don’t even need ironed either which is a wonderful bonus for travelling! 🙂

    Away From The Blue

Travel Wears: 10 Essentials for your Travel Wardrobe (2024)


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