Southtown Star from Tinley Park, Illinois (2024)

Thursday, May 21, 1953 THE TINLEY PARK TIMES their (lancing badge, under the supervision of Mrs. Bills, dance SCIEHCEf The Tinley Park Times Published every Thursday at Tinley' Park, Cook County, Illinois Entered as second class matter January 18, 1929, at the Postoffice at Tinley Park, under the Act of March 3, 1879 i i MRS; MARGARET SEMMLER. Editor and Publish WILLIAM SEMMLER, (1887-1946), Founder Ray SjilliVaii Sewerage and Drainage SEPTIC TANKS Installed Cleaned Repaired Problem Drainage Farm Drainage EMERGENCY SERVICE Call Evenings Ollh Nr. 117th, Orland 179 Cooper Towing Service Day and Night Towing Body and- Fender Repairing Auto Painting Wheel Balancing Road Service Auto Repairir-2 Phone: Orland Park 14 Route 45 at 143rd St Orland Park, Illinois iS buraMxnl Uiukra Sunw Srhool Lam Phones )H1CITI01 I Eleanor's Beauty Salon Latest hair styling, hair setting, permanent waves Scalp treatment Tinting Your patronage is solicited and Front Street, Mokena Phone 4621 Mrs. Eleanor Smiel.Prop.

HELP WANTED Man, to work spare time as bartender for weekends and parties. No experience necessary. Phone Orland 140 'Mokena 3521 KE Hogg 2-4728 tion now is vested in a board ol trustees of seven members. Mr. Cook said the funds that now will be available for use by the Foundation are expected- tc give it greater leeway foi Christian activity.

At present the non-profit corporation ii sponsoring the I. A. H. club, rapidly growing evangelism program for young people nine tc 19 years of age who are interested in building good mora character. There are now 150.00C members located throughout, the United States.

Father-Son Banquet At Lincoln Estates The Calvary Baptist church at Lincoln Estates will hold their father and son banquet in the church Thursday evening, June 4. It will -start at 6:30. Reserve ttons must be made before the banquet a few days. Tht-y can he mad" by calling Mrs. Otto Nii'dringhaus, Frankfort 4284 or Mrs.

Don Ball at 4427. Mokena Girl Scouts Honor Dance Badge Members at Party Gnl Scout troop 42 of Mokena whoso jcudcrs arc Mis. Hugo NH'thamnuT and Mrs. Arthur Shoop, held a party in the base, mrnt of the home of Mrs George Bills, with 31 present. The party was to honor those members who had completed and you THE LOST VIRUS by Science Features A corrugated paper box found, more than 30 years after it was lost in a University of Michigan laboratory has yielded what may be an important clue in solving the riddle of the virus.

For the virus, smallest of all known disease organisms, is one of the largest unsolved problems of science. Viruses cause; such, diseases as infantile paralysis and influenza. The story bejrins 44 years ago in 1909. Dr. Frederick G.

Novy, Michigan's famed bacteriologist, was conducting.experiments w-ith a powerful vims fatal to rats. The virus, kept. constantly supplied ith the living tissue believed necessary for its existence, was studied for ten years. In 1919 the test tubes containing the virus' were lost. Thirty-two years passed.

Then, in 1951, workers cleaning the laboratory found a corrugated paper box hidden in one corner and inside with the lost test tubes. Meanwhile, scientists had greatly added to their knowledge- about viruses through use of the electron microscope and other new devices. They believed that the rat virus so long neglected would be. dead, Instead, it was deadly. When the test tubes and their brown deposits were ground up and injected into healthy ratt, 75 per cent of the experimental animals died within three to eleven days.

Dr. Novy, who retired in 1935. came out of retirement to prepaie-a scientific report on the lost but still very much alive virus. As a result of this discovery. 'scientists are investigating the pos- siDinty tnat other viruses, perhaps those which cause human disease, may be capable of long periods pf survival without a living "host" on which to feed.

ADO fVl'l MA3HTfTiD4 sAf l4 1W SHOP' AT rm kasS 7. A. MUEHLER Real Estate Insurance Phone Mokena3931 ranie, 11-2 st. Gar. Breezewav.

Rni. lsic. lot 2 Bedrm. frame, 11-2 st. full Igc: lot 2 frame, 1 1-2 st full Gar.

13,500. 2 Bedrm. frame full base, gas heat 1 1,300. Lots in Mokena from $G50. i sx '-'4 -1 Redeem Wg ON RINSO SOAP Large 42c Econ.

42c WITH COUPON RINSO DETERGENT 2 42c 42c IWITH COUPON 1 Econ. .1 George Wannemacher Mokena, 111. $9,150. IN TINLEY PARK 67c lb. 15 25c 16 oz.

can 1 25 ft. roll 19c 2 Rolk 15c Lutheran Ladies, Friday 22, begins 2 p. m. THURSDAY MAY '21, 1953 Ownership Change In David C. Cook Publishing Co.

Ownership of the David Cook Publishing Company ol Elgin has been turned over tc the David C. Cook Foundatior for Christian Education. All pre. sent and future earnings of the company will be used by the Foundation to "aid and promote the work of religious educatior without profit to any person ox firoup," it was announced by David C. Cook, III, president of the 78-year old family owned corporation.

Announcement of the change in ownership was made at a luncheon for members of the Elgin Ministerial Association. Management 6f the Founda LUCY Gruding, Trenching, flawing and Disking Srpfic Tank Work II, H. 2. Oiland Park, III. I 'a Ins Park 7X.SJ1 Hudson Luby Heating and Building Maintenance R.

R. 2. Orland Park Pains 788-J-l 1117 3 0800 CJas, Oil Burner Service Steam and Hot Water Repair and Replacement Boiler and Furnace Vacuuming and Cleaning "Joliet's Most Complete Bridal Wea ELEGANCE AT A PRICE Vrirfat downs from Jridrs for 35.0C Maids 19.00 JEWELRY LINGERIE I'Ormafs for all Occasions The Bride's House W. i ffe St, Joliet, 31. Phone 419: AMERICA? FOLDING ALUMINUM A WNINGS XjtAqq beauty comfort, protection to "our home it ml rli Mri r-i Holland Roll Butter counselor Games and dancing were The basem*nt was prettily de corate in pastel paper streamers with symbols of outdoor sports on the walls, and a May pole.

Luncheon was served at quar. tette tables which was decorated with candles, and girls made of Refreshments were served buffet style and consisted -of sandwiches, cup cakes and pop. Everyone had a pleasant evening. An evaluation meeting was held Wednesday. New Variety Store Mokena is to have a new store.

Mr. D. W. of Chicago has recently bought the Hatch hall, which, is now being remodeled. store will carry a line of notions, etc.

It is expected the new store will be opened in the near future. Seek Ribbon In Annual Flower Show The New Lenox Garden club which won the State Flower Show green ribbon in 1950 will again compete for that prize when they sponsor their annual flower show this year. The show will be held on the Methodist camp ground in New Lenox on June 11, from 2 to 9 p. in. The motif will be country The members are now busy potting flowers for their flower mart, making cookies for their tea table, and decoration for their rural scene.

A new leaflet on grass silage has just been published by the University of Illinois says Car' F. Mees, Cook County Farm Ad visor. It -called "Grass Silage in Stacks and Trenches and yot can got a copy from the farrr adviser's office. The leaflet i devoted mainly to instruction on how to put grass silage int the different types of and stacks used successfully ir Illinois. is Not the "Big Splash" fU 4 TMoioa av enavaoLBT iioToa aiviaion underneath part of the car.

At 3 m.p.h., the forward motion of the car creates a small wave running ahead of the front bumper, with control of the vehicle greatly improved. When you encounter an lnun-. dated highway, slow your car down -and approach with caution. As a safety i tip, on driving through flooded areas, remember to try out your brakes at alow speed Immediately after reaching dry ground. When wet brakes do not respond to pedal action, hold brake-pedal down moderately with left foot, while right foot feeds enough power to carry car forward and dry oat brakes.

This action, over a few hundred yards, should restore your brakes safa driving condition. Non Such Brand 14 oz. A CI 7 ii Mss WfcTll Iv 7" Tomato Catsup Scripture: I Corinthians Devotional Reading: Proverbs My Conscience Lesson for May 24, 1953 your conscience; but be sure you do not have the conscience of a This ad-Vice is old but still good. It is never right to go against your "conscience; but it is very important to have your conscience right in the first place. Conscience is never quite automatic: It is not born in us so much as it is built-in.

If it were born in us, that is to say if we were made so that we would never have to have any one explain to us the difference between right and wrong, and would always know by instinct just what is right in every situation, then hot only would we all agree (which we don't), but if a child were brought up, say, by wolves, then he would know right from wrong just as unerringly as if he had been brought up in a Bishop's household. What is born in each of us is the capacity to tell right from wrong, just as 'we are born with the capacity for speech. We have to learn to talk; likewise we have to learn right from wrong. Conscience is also the capacity for Dr- Foreman knowing what is -right without Thinking about itnt is a kind of' moral habit, just as walking is a balancing habit. I Am Not Alone best, the most reliable conscience in this world is the Christian conscience.

A Christian has certain automatic niorul attitudes; or rather these tend to become au: lomatic with practice. Watch a trained first baseman catch balls thrown "to him. He will tap the base with his tne without stopping to think or look around. He was not born with that but he tan learn It to perfection, and per fection comes with practice. Just as the athlete's habits are in line with the rules of the me.

-the Christian's moral habits ihis con- i science will be in line ith the principles ofChrist. One of these principles 1 Paul i in 1 Cor ti 7 It is this-: IkhouKI never act as if I were the om.v per- I on involved .1 must always' unnk how my actions will touch uthi persons. I am not alone in this world; I depend on others and they on me. will my action neip to make others strong or will it makf them weak? My Body Is a Temple Another Christian principle is laid down by St. Paul in I It is this: My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

To put i as boldly as. possible: God makes his home in Chris- tian; that is where God especial- i ly lives, in this world. Now the more clearly we can remember that, the more intensely we can believe and appreciate it. the more God-like our lives will be; This does not mean we never have to stop and think. It does not mean we have an automatic conscience.

It does" not mean that whatever we may i take a notion to do will be all right, since -we are thei children of God. What this does mean, as St. Paul preached and practiced it. is that by 'practising the presence of God" we more and more reliably think, 'What would Jesus want me to do? What would be the Christ-like thing?" A man of. ordinary self-respect will not drag himself through the mud; but the Christian conscience shrinks from dragging the Holy Spirit through the mire Invitation to Think How does all this work out in practice? The intelligent Christian reader is invited to do some thinking about this.

Let us suppose there is a party and alcoholic-; drinks are served. The polite" thing to do is just to do what most others do. or in other words count noses to see what is right. But what is the Christian thing to do? What other persons will be affected by my action, and how wiil my behavior affect them? Then what about the Holy Spirit within me? What would GoJ have to say? Ot again, thinking over his everyday habits habits of speaking, thinking, acting the Christian will ask: How many other people are involved in this habit of mine? Does it help them? Or does it get in their way, irri-. tate them, rouse bad feelings in their minds? And what about God? Even if no one but God knows what' I or what i do.

what he thinks about it is the most important point of all. If I were God, whaj would I think of me? (Base atllar trrlcktr ar the DlTlslon Cari-tlaa FaaraUm. N- Ueaal Caaaell the Ckareaes at Carls! la the U.S.A. Beltane by Cliaullr Preie Service i Armor Corn Waxtex Rolled The Model vias born Oct. 1, 19uU, and whin the last oL more than 15,000,000 was produced 19 years later it had become the mobt famous car in history.

Henry Ford's specifications were simple; was easy to operate and repaii, low priced and durable. Parkay Oleo Colored quarters 2 lbs. 55c Oranges California Navel No. 288 2 doz. 39c Northern Tissue Mum-irs Clioice Pure Wilson's New California P' P't Ground Sliced Mesh Bag Roast Beef Bacon Potatoes 37c Lb.

39c Lb. 63c Lb. 10 lbs. 67c i Home Made Bakery Beef Hash Waxed Paper Zion May Clothing for the Family 1 5 Driving Through Water Time to Make a 11 I W. Althouch today's antomohne! baa progressed far the point where a severe sprint; rain will stall the engine, it still is not an amphibious vehicle.

Failure of the engine to bring you through normal flood waters, which might cover highways, can be attributed mostly to waterAn the ignition system caused by splashing. Today's engines are better equipped to combat excessive moisture and driving through water, by the use of such things as improved rubber housings on the spark plug terminals. These pictures show the splash effect when a car "plows" into a seven-inch depth on a flooded highway. At 20 m.D.h.. the water shoots high, completely drenching the Now, RON-DEL gives you the up.

rior sdvantaBes of folding luminum wnings! Thiy (oM up for light and warmth durirnwTnter. They told I 'down to keep out summer heat and I glarelet in air make homes up to 20' cooler. Drapes, wallpapef and rugs arc protected from sun's direct rays- windows may be left open even during tain. Yaa, beautiful RON DEL alumi- I nam awnings at your wiiet invest- snant in permanent beauty and protection. Finished in your choir of kandwm boked-on colors rain, wind and fire-proof.

wic btof lnt. iif.for SON Dt i tl41 clatiniH ipt'l Ms iwih eKt nSt or uutMt your Liluiioni ncj x- variabl wilh- toul AD-CA-PA AWNING COMPANY Tinley Park KE 2-2824 Oak Lawn SUM 116-J-l Chicago HU W1C8 kOIM. A i VI Hot Weather Everyone in DEPARTMENT STORE Tinley Park, KE Hogg 7.

Southtown Star from Tinley Park, Illinois (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.