101+ Unique Bucket List Ideas to Make Life an Adventure (2024)

Looking for unique bucket list ideas? We’ve got you covered.

What’s a bucket list, you ask?

A bucket list is a list of experiences or achievements a person hopes to accomplish within their lifetime. It typically includes travel destinations, personal goals, and milestones, often made with the idea of living life to the fullest.

You know, your personal collection of aspirations, yearnings, and unrealized escapades. Your roadmap of life ambitions, guiding you toward your dream existence.

Here, we’ll suggest 101+ of the best and most unique bucket list ideas to infuse your voyage with a dash of the extraordinary.

Our vision? To morph everyday living into an adventure—one bucket list item at a time.

Map of Contents

  • Bucket List Philosophy
  • Bucket List Categories
  • Adventure Bucket List Ideas
  • Self-Improvement Bucket List Ideas
  • Travel Bucket List Ideas
  • Culinary Bucket List Ideas
  • Philanthropic Bucket List Ideas
  • Unique and Creative Bucket List Ideas
  • Creating Your Bucket List
  • Reverse Bucket List
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Bucket List Ideas
  • Parting Words

Bucket List Philosophy

At its core, the quintessential question of the bucket list is this: What would you do if time and money weren’t obstacles?

While this is a great starting point, let’s flip the script. Instead of contemplating what you could do with more resources, start asking yourself, “How can I structure my lifestyle to experience more of my bucket list as part of my everyday life?”

This has been my experience so far, and it’s taken me on a thrilling 10-year journey that’s spanned 45+ countries.

This subtle shift in perspective brings your bucket list from the realm of someday into the realm of today.

Step 1: Lifestyle Design

Begin by envisioning a lifestyle that allows for regular bucket list experiences. This isn’t about making a singular, big-ticket trip or a once-in-a-lifetime event. It’s about integrating your aspirations into your daily life.

Think less about “vacation time” and more about “life time”.

Click here to learn more about lifestyle design.

Step 2: Resource Allocation

Rather than waiting to have more money or more time, consider how to use what you currently have more effectively.

  • Could you relocate to a cheaper area to save money for travel?
  • Could you streamline your work to free up more time for learning a new language?

The goal is to align your resources with your bucket list ambitions.

Step 3: Continuous Celebration

Imagine a life where ticking off bucket list items becomes as common as celebrating birthdays. Instead of waiting for retirement or the perfect moment, start celebrating your life now, one bucket list accomplishment at a time.

In essence, the bucket list philosophy is about reframing your approach to life. It’s not about creating a list for some distant future, it’s about designing a lifestyle that makes checking off bucket list items a routine celebration.

The question isn’t “What will I do when I have more?” but rather “How can I do more with what I have?”

And in the process, you’ll find your life becoming the grand adventure you always dreamed it could be.

Bucket List Categories

Broad categories make it easier to brainstorm. Let’s cut to the chase:

  1. Adventure Bucket List Ideas: From skydiving to caving, thrill’s the name of the game.
  2. Self-Improvement Bucket List Ideas: New language? Check. Master a musical instrument? You got it.
  3. Travel Bucket List Ideas: Visit the far-flung corners of the world, or just that hole-in-the-wall cafe in your city. It’s all exploration.
  4. Culinary Delights Ideas: Cook, eat, drink, repeat. Try your hand at exotic cuisines or chase the best food trucks in town.
  5. Philanthropic Efforts: Give back to the world in a meaningful way. Whether it’s volunteering at a local shelter or raising funds for a cause close to your heart.
  6. Unusual Bucket List Ideas: Dare to be different. How about a midnight marathon? Or a silent retreat in the mountains? Get creative and toss in the quirky, the offbeat, the downright weird. Because hey, it’s your bucket list. Let it be as unique as you are.

Ready? Let’s delve into each and find some cool bucket list ideas that call your name.

Adventure Bucket List Ideas

101+ Unique Bucket List Ideas to Make Life an Adventure (1)

Embrace the adrenaline junkie within. Why trudge through life when you can soar, dive, and sprint? The world’s vast canvas begs for audacious strokes of adventure, each one a personal testament to daring and discovery.

Here are some audacious, pulse-racing adventure bucket list ideas to ignite your courage and curiosity:

  • Skydiving: Leap out of a plane and feel the rush of free-falling. It’s not just a dive; it’s a test of courage.
  • Rock Climbing: Master strength and strategy as you conquer cliff faces. Nature’s gym, with a view at the top.
  • Bungee Jumping: Plummet towards earth with only an elastic cord as your lifeline. Fear meets fun in this adrenaline-fueled leap.
  • Experience Zero Gravity: Mimic the conditions astronauts face in space. Float, flip, and feel weightless with Zero-G.
  • Scuba Diving: Dive deep into the ocean’s wonder. Coral reefs, shipwrecks, marine life – it’s a different world down there.
  • Zip-lining: Soar through the air on a zip line. From rainforests to canyons, it’s high-speed sightseeing.
  • Whitewater Rafting: Battle the rapids in a thrilling whitewater challenge. Nature’s rollercoaster ride.
  • Mountain Biking: Speed down hill trails, navigate tricky terrain. A test of endurance that rewards with exhilaration.
  • Paragliding: Float in the air, catch thermal updrafts, cover kilometers in the sky. Bird’s eye view takes a new meaning.
  • Cave Exploration: Delve into the depths of the Earth. Dark, eerie, beautiful – a journey to the underworld.
  • Desert Safari: Traverse sandy landscapes, ride the dunes. The desert’s barren beauty awaits.
  • Heli-skiing: Helicopter drops you off at untouched snow peaks. Then, it’s just you, your skis, and the mountain.
  • Ice Climbing: Ascend ice formations like waterfalls and cliffs. It’s rock climbing’s chillier cousin.
  • Volcano Boarding: Yes, you can slide down an active volcano. It’s surfing meets sledding, on volcanic ash slopes.
  • Swimming with Sharks: Cage-diving or free-swimming, get up close with these marine predators. It’s an underwater thrill.
  • Jungle Survival Camp: Learn survival skills in a real jungle environment. A primal experience that connects you to nature.
  • Dog Sledding: Journey through snowy landscapes pulled by a team of dogs. It’s transportation, adventure, and bonding rolled into one.
  • Visit the North/South Pole: Few places on Earth are as remote or dramatic. It’s a journey of extremes, reserved for the true adventurer.
  • Base Jumping: It’s like parachuting, except you’re jumping from a fixed structure or cliff. Not for the faint-hearted.
  • High-lining: Walk a thin, elevated line between cliffs or buildings. Balance, focus, fear – all playing out at great heights.
  • Fly in a Hot Air Balloon: Float high above the ground and witness breathtaking views of the countryside.

Diverse as they are, these adventures share a common thread – they challenge, they exhilarate, they transform. But remember, every adventure, no matter how thrilling, is a journey within. The greatest conquest is not the mountain or the ocean, it’s ourselves.

Ready to conquer a different mountain now? Let’s step into the realm of self-improvement next.

Self-Improvement Bucket List Ideas

Let’s step beyond the realm of adrenaline and into the sphere of introspection. Personal growth isn’t a destination, it’s a lifelong journey – one marked by continuous learning and refinement.

Ready to stretch beyond your comfort zone? Here’s a selection of simple bucket list ideas for self-improvement:

  • Learn a New Language: Spanish, Mandarin, Italian, or Sign Language? The world speaks in a myriad of tongues. Choose one and embrace the journey of learning.
  • Master a Skill: Be it coding, pottery, or gourmet cooking, pick a skill you’ve always been intrigued by and dedicate time to master it.
  • Take a Silent Retreat: Disconnect from the digital whirl, retreat into silence, and engage in reflective meditation.
  • Write a Book: Pour out your thoughts, your story, or your expertise onto the pages. Writing is catharsis, creativity, and contribution rolled into one.
  • Read 10 Classic Novels: Literature is a window to different worlds, cultures, and human experiences. Set a goal to read a selection of timeless classics.
  • Run a Marathon: Train your body and mind to endure. The finish line is just a bonus. The real victory is in the journey.
  • Learn to Play a Musical Instrument: Piano, guitar, or the tabla – music nurtures the soul and enhances cognitive abilities.
  • Achieve Financial Literacy: Understand investments, budgeting, and financial planning. Your future self will thank you.
  • Learn Public Speaking: Overcome the fear of the stage. Communicate with confidence and poise.
  • Take Up Yoga: Physical well-being meets mental peace. It’s a lifelong gift to yourself.
  • Cultivate a Green Thumb: Connect with nature by growing your own garden. Patience, nurturing, and the joy of blooming – it’s all in there.
  • Join a Dance Class: Ballet, hip-hop, salsa, or belly-dancing, move with rhythm and grace.
  • Learn to Cook a Foreign Cuisine: Italian, Lebanese, Thai, or French, take your palate on a global tour.
  • Master Chess: Strategy, patience, foresight – chess is a game of kings for a reason.
  • Learn to Paint: Unleash your creativity on canvas. Art is therapeutic and liberating.
  • Attend a TED Talk: Be inspired by the thinkers and doers of our time. Better yet, aspire to give a TED talk.

Remember, growth is not a race, it’s a personal journey. The goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to become a better version of your own self.

Having explored the inner realm, let’s now pack our bags and set off on a journey across the globe. Next up, we dive into bucket list ideas for travel.

Travel Bucket List Ideas

For those bitten by the travel bug, the globe offers a mosaic of unique destinations, cultures, landscapes, and experiences. From the blazing mysteries of Turkmenistan’s “Door to Hell” to the hidden jungle-clad secrets of Colombia’s Lost City, every corner of the world holds an adventure. Perhaps you’re drawn to the romantic allure of traversing continents aboard the legendary Trans-Siberian Railway or you seek the tranquil beauty of an underwater slumber in the Maldives or Zanzibar. The horizon is endless and each journey is a new tale waiting to be woven. Here’s a curated list of travel bucket list ideas for the wandering souls:

  • Visit the Door to Hell: This natural gas crater in Turkmenistan, known as the “Door to Hell,” has been ablaze since 1971. It’s a sight to behold, especially at night.
  • Hike to the Lost City: Embrace a challenge with a multi-day hike to Ciudad Perdida, ancient ruins nestled in the heart of the Colombian jungle.
  • Embark on the Trans-Siberian Railway: An epic rail journey spanning over 9,000 kilometers from Moscow to Vladivostok, crossing two continents and multiple time zones.
  • Sleep in an Underwater Hotel: The Maldives and Zanzibar offer unique underwater accommodations. Marvel at marine life from the comfort of your bed.
  • Explore the Great Pyramids of Giza: The last of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, these Egyptian structures are a testament to human ingenuity.
  • Traverse the Amazon Rainforest: Discover the planet’s largest rainforest, a biodiversity hotspot that’s home to an estimated 400 billion individual trees.
  • Witness the Northern Lights: The ethereal beauty of the Aurora Borealis is a spectacle that transcends description.
  • Hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu: Follow ancient pathways to the lost city of the Incas, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Trek to Mount Everest Base Camp: While summiting Everest is a feat for few, reaching the base camp is an adventure in itself.
  • Visit the Galápagos Islands: Explore the unique biodiversity that inspired Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.
  • Take a Gondola Ride in Venice: The City of Canals is best experienced from the water, gondola style.
  • Walk Along the Great Wall of China: One of the world’s most impressive architectural feats, this iconic wall snakes over diverse terrains.
  • Dive the Great Barrier Reef: Explore the world’s largest coral reef system, an underwater paradise off the coast of Australia.
  • Explore Petra, Jordan: Known as the Rose City, this archaeological wonder is carved directly into vibrant red, white, and pink sandstone cliffs.
  • Visit Antarctica: A frontier for the adventurous, this frozen continent offers pristine landscapes and unique wildlife.
  • Walk Through the Cherry Blossoms in Japan: Experience the fleeting beauty of Sakura, an annual spectacle that cloaks Japan in soft pink hues.
  • Revel at a Full Moon Party: Experience a night of untamed celebration on Thailand’s tropical beaches, joining thousands of party-goers under the silvery glow of a full moon.
  • Set Sail on a Whale Watching Expedition: Witness the majesty of the ocean’s gentle giants up close. With a bit of luck, you might even see them breach the surface in a spectacular display of power and grace. Remember to choose an eco-conscious tour to ensure the safety and preservation of these magnificent creatures.

This list merely scratches the surface of the world’s wonders. Each journey holds the promise of discovery, not just of places, but of people, cultures, and self. Remember, it’s not about ticking off boxes, but about immersing in the experience and creating lasting memories.

Having journeyed through the realm of self-discovery and global exploration, we now turn to the realm of the senses.

Culinary Bucket List Ideas

For gastronomes and culinary adventurers, a world of flavor awaits exploration.

Here are some enticing culinary bucket list ideas to whet your appetite:

  • Master a Foreign Cuisine: Learning to prepare an authentic dish from a different culture can be a rewarding experience. Consider a cooking class in Italy or Thailand.
  • Visit a Vineyard: Enjoy the serenity of the vineyards, the thrill of the grape harvest, and the finesse of the winemaking process. Napa Valley, Bordeaux, Tuscany, and Marlborough are some renowned wine regions.
  • Dine at a Michelin Star Restaurant: Indulge in a culinary masterpiece by a Michelin-starred chef for an unforgettable dining experience.
  • Try Exotic Street Food: From Bangkok’s vibrant markets to Mexico City’s taquerias, street food is a culinary adventure in itself.
  • Cook a Traditional Thanksgiving Meal: The satisfaction of preparing a full-course meal for your loved ones is unparalleled.
  • Learn to Make Sushi: Discover the delicate art of sushi making, from sourcing the freshest ingredients to perfecting the sushi roll.
  • Visit a Chocolate Factory: Uncover the journey of a cocoa bean into a luscious chocolate bar.
  • Learn to Bake Bread: The smell of fresh bread wafting through your home is hard to beat. Mastering sourdough could be your next culinary triumph.
  • Create Your Own Signature co*cktail: Experiment with flavors to create a co*cktail that is uniquely yours.
  • Cheese Tasting in France: Discover a variety of cheeses from Camembert to Roquefort in the country famous for its dairy delights.
  • Attend a Food Festival: From the piquant flavors of the New Mexico Chile Festival to the luscious Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan, food festivals offer a unique culinary journey.
  • Brew Your Own Beer: Experience the joy of brewing your own ale or lager at home.
  • Forage for Your Own Food: From mushrooms to berries, foraging connects you with nature and its bounty.
  • Take a Coffee Tasting Course: Learn to distinguish between various beans and brews, and appreciate the complexity of your morning cup.
  • Cook a Recipe from Every Country: Embark on a global culinary journey, one recipe at a time.
  • Master the Art of Barbecue: From Texas-style brisket to Korean BBQ, there’s a world of flavor to explore in this cooking style.

These are just the beginnings of a culinary journey that has the potential to unite the world, one dish at a time. After all, food is a universal language that transcends boundaries.

Having sampled the enticing world of culinary exploration, let’s steer our journey towards the realm of philanthropic pursuits.

Philanthropic Bucket List Ideas

101+ Unique Bucket List Ideas to Make Life an Adventure (2)

For those with hearts tuned to the rhythm of service and kindness, the domain of philanthropy offers meaningful ways to engage with the world. Giving back is not only fulfilling, but it also helps forge deeper connections with communities, causes, and our own sense of purpose. Here are some charitable bucket list ideas that could infuse your journey with profound fulfillment:

  • Volunteer at an Elephant Sanctuary: Spend time with these gentle giants in a responsible and ethical sanctuary in Thailand or South Africa.
  • Start a Scholarship Fund: Help deserving students achieve their dreams by providing financial aid.
  • Build a House with Habitat for Humanity: Use your hands and heart to construct a home for a family in need.
  • Sponsor a Child’s Education: Change a life by sponsoring a child’s schooling in a developing country.
  • Run a Charity Marathon: Lace up your shoes for a good cause. Train and complete a marathon while raising funds for a charity of your choice.
  • Volunteer at a Homeless Shelter: Lend your time and empathy to those in need by serving at a local shelter.
  • Plant a Tree: Contribute to the planet by planting trees. Participate in reforestation efforts or start a local tree-planting initiative.
  • Donate Blood: Your blood can save lives. Make a commitment to donate regularly.
  • Teach a Skill to Underprivileged Kids: Share your knowledge and expertise with those who can benefit from it the most.
  • Start a Community Garden: Bring your community together by starting a garden that everyone can contribute to and benefit from.
  • Fund a Well in a Developing Country: Provide access to clean drinking water by funding the construction of a well.
  • Organize a Fundraiser for a Cause You Care About: Use your networking and organizing skills to raise money for a worthy cause.
  • Volunteer at an Animal Shelter: Offer care and love to animals waiting for their forever homes.
  • Set up a Soup Kitchen: Address hunger in your community by serving warm meals to those in need.
  • Mentor a Young Person: Use your experience to guide a young person in their personal or professional journey.
  • Adopt a Highway: Take responsibility for keeping a stretch of highway clean and well-maintained.

While these actions may seem small, remember that ripples create waves. Your contribution, no matter how tiny it seems, can significantly impact someone’s life and the world at large.

As we move from philanthropic ventures that enrich others’ lives, let’s venture into a realm that invites us to push the boundaries of conventionality. Get ready for unique and creative bucket list ideas that dare to defy the ordinary.

Unique and Creative Bucket List Ideas

Stepping off the beaten path can often lead to the most rewarding experiences. It’s in the realm of the unusual and the unique that the most memorable bucket list items are often found.

Prepare to embrace the quirky and the whimsical with these unique and creative bucket list ideas:

  • Stay in an Ice Hotel: Experience the chilly thrill of living in a hotel made entirely of ice and snow.
  • Roll the Dice at the World Series of Poker: Immerse yourself in the electrifying atmosphere of the world’s largest poker event, testing your bluffing skills and poker face against some of the best in the game.
  • Ride in a Submarine: Dive beneath the ocean’s surface and discover a world hidden under the waves.
  • Participate in La Tomatina: Join the world’s biggest food fight in Buñol, Spain, where the streets turn red with tomatoes.
  • Visit a Ghost Town: Explore the eerie silence and decaying structures of a deserted town.
  • Be a Movie Extra: Sneak into the world of cinema by being an extra in a movie or TV show.
  • Learn to Fire Dance: Master the art of spinning flames in an exhilarating fire dance.
  • Experience a Zero-Gravity Flight: Get a taste of astronaut training with a zero-gravity experience.
  • Sleep in a Treehouse: Take your camping game to the next level by staying in a treehouse for a night.
  • Join a Flash Mob: Plan or participate in a spontaneous public performance that surprises and delights onlookers.
  • Drive a Race Car: Feel the adrenaline of speed by driving a real race car on a professional track.
  • Walk a Labyrinth: Meditate while walking through a labyrinth, a metaphor for your life’s path.
  • Create Your Own Language: For the linguistically inclined, challenge yourself to create your own language.
  • Take Part in a Polar Bear Plunge: Dare to dive into freezing waters in the middle of winter for a quick, invigorating swim.
  • Ride an Ostrich: Swap a horse for an ostrich for a unique, if a little unstable, ride.
  • Attend a Masquerade Ball: Don a mask and elegant attire and immerse yourself in a night of mystery and glamor.

Embarking on these unconventional pursuits can lead to extraordinary adventures that make for some of the best stories. Here’s to breaking the mold and making unforgettable memories.

Now, let’s delve into how you can start creating your bucket list, with tips and suggestions for crafting a list that’s personal, meaningful, and tailored to your dreams.

Creating Your Bucket List

The creation of your bucket list isn’t just a to-do list for the future, it’s a personal manifesto for living. Here’s the fast track to creating a bucket list that’s truly yours:

Step 1: Dreamline It

Borrowing from the Tim Ferriss playbook, kick-off with a dreamlining exercise. Figure out your desires for the next six months to five years. It’s not about thinking big, it’s about thinking true. The dreams that make you tick are the ones to chase.

Want us to walk you through this? Sign up here and we’ll send you a series of exercises via email that guide you through this.

Step 2: Prioritize Personal

Your bucket list shouldn’t echo someone else’s life highlights reel. This is your game, your rules. What brings you joy, what sparks your curiosity, what challenges you want to tackle—these are the experiences that should be on your list.

Step 3: Make it Resonate

A great bucket list has the power to pull you towards it. Choose experiences and aspirations that resonate on a deep level. You know that feeling when you think about an idea, and it makes you smile? That’s resonance. Chase it.

The creation of your bucket list is a valuable exercise in self-awareness and intentionality. It’s not about ticking off items mindlessly, it’s about pursuing experiences that align with who you are and who you want to be.

The best bucket lists are more than just aspirational—they’re inspirational. They reflect not just a life well lived, but a life lived well.

Reverse Bucket List

Sometimes, in our quest to forge ahead, we forget to look back and appreciate how far we’ve come. Let’s pause for a moment and embark on a rewarding exercise: the Reverse Bucket List. This isn’t about what you aspire to do, but rather, it’s about celebrating what you’ve already achieved.

Begin by cataloging all the experiences in your life that would have made it onto your bucket list had they not already been checked off.

Perhaps you’ve already dipped your toes in the Adriatic sea, or maybe you’ve successfully scaled your career ladder to reach a lofty professional goal. Whether they’re travel adventures, professional accomplishments, or personal milestones, give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back for these feats.

As you draft this reverse bucket list, ask yourself these thought-provoking questions:

  • What themes emerge from your past accomplishments? Are there areas or pursuits you’re naturally drawn to?
  • What achievements surprised you? Are there any accomplishments you’ve overlooked?
  • How did these experiences shape your life, values, and perspectives?

Reflecting on these questions will not only enhance your gratitude for past experiences but also illuminate your path forward. This process can provide invaluable insights into your interests and passions, providing a compass for your future bucket list aspirations.

Remember, the bucket list journey isn’t just about ticking off future desires, it’s also about recognizing and cherishing the extraordinary moments you’ve already lived. Before you set off on new adventures, take a moment to bask in the glory of your already impressive life journey.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bucket List Ideas

What is number 1 on most people’s bucket list?

While bucket list items vary greatly depending on individual preferences, travel is frequently listed as the number one item on many people’s bucket lists. Specific destinations or experiences, such as visiting the Great Wall of China, exploring the Grand Canyon, or seeing the Northern Lights, are common.

What is a mental bucket list?

A mental bucket list refers to a list of experiences or achievements a person hopes to accomplish within their lifetime, specifically related to mental development and wellbeing. This can include goals such as mastering a new language, learning a new skill, practicing mindfulness, reading a certain number of books, or achieving a particular state of mental health. It serves as a personal roadmap for intellectual and emotional growth.

What’s better than a bucket list?

Some people prefer creating a “life list” or “vision board” instead of a traditional bucket list. These tools focus more on long-term aspirations and personal growth rather than finite experiences or achievements. A “reverse bucket list,” listing all the things one has already achieved, can also be powerful. It promotes gratitude and the acknowledgement of past accomplishments, providing motivation and positivity.

Is it healthy to have a bucket list?

Yes, having a bucket list can be healthy as it helps individuals identify their aspirations and gives them goals to strive for. It can provide motivation, direction, and a sense of purpose. It allows people to dream, plan, and take steps towards fulfilling experiences they deem important. However, it’s essential to maintain balance and not let these goals create undue stress or overshadow the importance of living in the present.

Parting Words

I hope you’ve found this exploration of the ultimate bucket list ideas inspiring.

This journey is not just about creating a list about ticking off experiences in a rush. It’s about embracing life in its entirety, finding joy in the simplest moments, and turning every day into an adventure.

From the smallest pleasures to the grandest experiences, the purpose of a bucket list is to celebrate life and create unforgettable memories that bring you closer to your dream life.

As we draw this exploration to a close, we’d love to hear from you.

What are the unique entries on your bucket list? How have these pursuits enriched your life with adventure and excitement?

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below and add your unique voice to our collective journey!

Originally Published: August 24, 2023

101+ Unique Bucket List Ideas to Make Life an Adventure (2024)


How do you make a creative bucket list? ›

  1. 1) Find Accountability.
  2. 2) Have multiple things you can do on a random Saturday.
  3. 3) Have other things that will take you years to accomplish.
  4. 4) Tell EVERYONE about your new bucket list goals.
  5. 5) Postcards don't always make the best bucket list items.
  6. 6) Think about all facets of life.
  7. 7) Add Something You've Already Done.
Apr 7, 2023

What is 1 thing on your bucket list? ›

Here are 55 exciting bucket list ideas to inspire your next adventure.
  • Sleep under the stars. Seksan Mongkhonkhamsao / Getty Images. ...
  • Visit your dream destination. France? ...
  • Go back to school. ...
  • Learn how to paint. ...
  • Read 100 books in a year. ...
  • Jump out of a plane. ...
  • Go on the most romantic date ever. ...
  • Bake a cake from scratch.

What is a travel bucket list? ›

The term 'bucket list' is derived from the phrase 'kick the bucket', which is an English expression for dying. A travel bucket list is your personal list of destinations and experiences you want to of visiting and accomplish in your lifetime.

What is a bucket list activity? ›

A bucket list is a list of tasks or experiences that one would like to have prior to their death. Create your bulleted bucket list of at least 10 items. You may choose to have more items than 10 for this list. You may want to think of the following questions as you create your list: Who do I want to meet?

How to create a life list? ›

Newton suggests using the SMART principle in making a life list.
  1. S is for making your goals specific. ...
  2. M is for making your goals measurable. ...
  3. A is for making your goals attainable. ...
  4. R is for making goals relevant to you. ...
  5. T is for time-bound.

What are some new experiences? ›

Embracing New Experiences: 10 Things You Must Try in Life
  • Travel Solo. Stepping out of your comfort zone and embarking on a solo adventure can be incredibly liberating. ...
  • Volunteer Abroad. ...
  • Learn a New Language.
  • Conquer a Fear. ...
  • Try a New Cuisine.
  • Pursue a Passio. ...
  • Engage in Extreme Sport. ...
  • Connect with Nature.

Can a bucket list be anything? ›

Bucket lists can be useful in any area of your life, including your hobbies. No matter what you're into, you can make a list of things you'd like to accomplish, like reading 100 books, spending a year sewing your own clothing, or watching all the films or your favorite director or actor.

Do most people have a bucket list? ›

Even if you don't keep an actual list, chances are you have thought about what you would like to accomplish in your lifetime. A survey conducted by Stanford University School of Medicine found that over 90% of participants had a bucket list.

Do you know what a bucket list is? ›

A bucket list is a list of experiences someone wants to have at some point in their life. They're a fun method of life-planning that can include professional and personal goals or anything else you can imagine.

What is a destination bucket list? ›

a list of experiences one wants to have before one dies.

How do you make a trip list? ›

At the head of your packing list document, write down the four W's: Where you're going, what you're doing, with whom, and for how long. This will keep your list focused on the itinerary, and help you define how much you need to bring. 2. Break your packing list down into categories and sub-categories.

How to create a good bucket list? ›

Come Up with Long- and Short-Term Ideas

Those can be the foundation of your bucket list ideas. Come up with thoughts about how you can put those passions into action. Make sure you have things for both the short and long term, as achieving smaller goals can make you feel you can meet those bigger ones.

What shall I put on my bucket list? ›

Challenging Bucket List Ideas
  • Run a marathon.
  • Drive a race car.
  • Hike the Appalachian Trail.
  • Write a book.
  • Learn to cook.
  • Learn to bake.
  • Try a DIY home project.
  • Make your own wine.
Apr 6, 2023

How to make an aesthetic bucket list? ›

Search images on Pinterest that showcases what you hope to achieve, and fill your vision board with Remember to use pictures and colors to make it aesthetically appealing. Once you've created your aesthetic summer bucket list, display it in a place where you'll see it every day.

How do you brainstorm a bucket list? ›

Continue reading for six simple steps to creating and conquering a bucket list that mirrors your life goals.
  1. Brainstorm What You'd Like to Accomplish. ...
  2. Prioritize the Tasks Included on Your List. ...
  3. Identify a Common Theme of Your Bucket List. ...
  4. Set a Time Frame to Accomplish Each Task. ...
  5. Share Your Bucket List Among Loved Ones.

What to write in a bucket list? ›

Here are 101 bucket list ideas to inspire you:
  • Travel to all seven continents.
  • Skydive from a plane.
  • Swim with dolphins.
  • Learn to surf.
  • Go on a safari in Africa.
  • Visit the Great Wall of China.
  • Take a road trip across a country.
  • Learn a new language fluently.
Jul 22, 2023


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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.